To those of you reading (people I know, preferably), this, as you may very well know, is NOT my first time blogging. I have been, in fact, a very passionate blogger since the tender age of twelve. At the time, though, life seemed dreary and most of my posts had turned out... well... positively emo. Today, I am a bright (cough), happy (cough), friendly (double cough) seventeen year old girl who finds emo people annoying and time-consuming. Though friends I have not, I no longer condemn myself to misery and find myself hiding behind false smiles. Instead, I am all smiles, and jokes may actually make me laugh. I like people who are cheery, and I surround myself with stuff like debate or food because it makes me happy (or stressed out, depending on the situation).
At the moment, I am struggling with the biggest challenge in my life: THE exam that determines whether the past ten/eleven years of my life were either: a) well spent, or b) an utter waste of time and money.
Hopefully, with luck, it was choice (a).
Now, although the biggest exam of my life is looming over me like some sort of humongous cloud threatening to explode in a downpour of lightning and water at any moment, I find myself feeling... awfully relaxed (proof being: I did not bother to touch any books for the past three months).
Terrible, though, isn't it?
I know, I know. I really ought to be studying; but I just CAN'T, for the life of me, find it in myself to -- excuse my crude language -- get my lazy butt off the bed and out of the door. For God's sake, it comes as NO surprise to me, whatsoever, if I ended up LAST in the entire CLASS (yes, I AM that bad).
Now, you may be thinking to yourself: "Has this girl no ambition? Does she WANT to find herself droning around the streets all day? A bum by the road, aimlessly pickin' pennies off the pavement?"
My answer to that: Heck, no.
I DO indeed have ambition -- though WHAT that ambition happens to be, I have NO idea. All I know is, I ain't ending up as a housewife, and I am SO gonna make a million bucks. Fame, too, perhaps, would be nice.
But, eh. Whatever. I'll get to studying when I'm well and ready, I suppose, but for the time being, THIS is how my life is scheduled: around sleep, food, shopping, packing, debate and public speaking.
Because, seriously: as long as you find I continue to blog, that is what
The Life and Times of N.Hannah is all about.